Leadership-in-a-box® Program overview
Engaging & Retaining Teams
Engagement is the level of emotional connection a person has with the organization, its priorities and its people. When you win the heart, people engage, commit and perform.
For any team to be fully engaged, each person must be emotionally connected to the work and to each other.
The greatest opportunity for engagement is a consistently positive leader experience.
Each person wants, needs and deserves to know in advance what an A+ looks like for their work.
Every person deserves a place and a role on the team and the opportunity to fully participate.
To be fully engaged, each member of the team needs opportunities to contribute work they find personally meaningful.
60-minute workshop presentation
Micro-video program
Group coaching presentation
Skill assessment
Performance worksheet
Summary article & infographic
Facilitator & coordinator toolkit
Team discussion guide
Pre-drafted email communications
Winning the Heart of Engagement
Sample video
2 min
Video 1:
Winning the Heart of Engagement
Video 2:
Provide a Consistently Positive Leader Experience
Video 3:
Clarity Compels Commitment and High Performance
Video 4:
Everyone Deserves a Seat and a Voice
Video 5:
Finding Your “Greater Yes” Contribution
Who typically facilitates Leadership-in-a-Box® workshops?
Talent or Learning Team
For enterprise initiatives
HR Business Partner
For business unit or department initiatives
Team Leader
For team initiatives
Leadership-in-a-Box® Team
When needed!
Fully blended
Workshop +
Video bursts +
Group coaching
Workshop program
Micro-video program
2-3 total hours over 6 weeks
60 min event
30 min in micro bursts
Maximize team performance
Meaningful team interaction
Quick skill development
Support key internal initiatives
Individual effectiveness