Five-Day Masterclass

Hope it went well!

5 minutes for 5 days.
Launches February 12.

Are you ready for the next step in your leadership journey?

How can I become the boss everyone wants to work for? The team where everyone is engaged, committed and accountable? The team where high performance is the expectation?

If you’ve ever wondered if this is possible, the answer is yes! We’ve created the Leadership-in-a-Box® Five Day Masterclass to accelerate your journey to high performance in 2024!

Special Message from Nathan Magnuson

  • What: Leadership-in-a-Box® Five-Day Masterclass

  • Format: Daily micro video + skill application question

  • When: Five weekday mornings, beginning Feb 12

  • Who: Everyone (please share with your leaders!)

  • Cost: Free!

Each day, you’ll receive one two-minute micro lesson taken from the best of Leadership-in-a-Box®’s premium video programs and one digital Masterclass workbook question.

  • Day 1: Deliver a Consistently Positive Leader Experience – 2 min
    From Engaging & Retaining Teams program

  • Day 2: Who + What + When – 2 min
    From Accountability program

  • Day 3: Just-in-Time Feedback – 2 min
    From Giving Feedback program

  • Day 4: Communicate Change with Clarity & Empathy – 2 min
    From Leading Change program

  • Day 5: The Power of a Leader’s Applause – 2 min
    From Developing Others program

© 2024 Leadership-in-a-Box®. All rights reserved.